
Cloaking Your Link And Get Paid

Making an url link a lot shorter had been a huge need to internet user all over the world. Making a link look shorter can have a lot of side effect to any online activities. Back in the old days..shorten a link requires a very sophisticated skill on java scripts or at at least html code. But not now...

How do we shorten a link ??

You can use the old ways by writing a few lines of code and slip it through your web pages or you can use an automatic services such as linkybank.com and bit.ly ( a well known provider for shorten links ). This two provider can make your link a lot shorter than you think. Yet it won't show you and 3rd ads or pop out that annoys your website visitor.


PickPic A Mobile Image Editor Application

I don't know how much image editor that has been flooding the internet today. But i do know that many of us still use the old and sexy photoshop as our main image editor, right ? Lets face it..the photoshop have a very complete usage for us. But yet the main flaw was photoshop is not portable.

Actually there are some compact and portable form of photoshop that can be downloaded from the internet. But then again.. I don't believe that a portable photoshop is as effective as the full version.

People now starting to travel a lot and move from one place to another one. This is what i called a "mobile condition". Notebook and cell phone are the symbols of how people on this new millennium intend to spent their time more outdoor than indoor. If we are referring to image editor, some of us feel very disappoint if we can't upload, edit, create, or changes the look of our image at that exact moment.

When i first try the PickPic editor on my netbook, i don't expect much from that tiny apps. But when i used it on a daily basis, soon i see the quality of the software. This little software allows us to capture an image, edit an image, change the size, gives an effect, and even create a new high-quality image. This is something that i never found on the internet before. After i use this apps.. I never missed my update and always been able to push a new image on the internet.

Complete, compact, and powerful software. You can run it from your usb flash disk or any external usb device that you are using.

Give it a try and see it for your self. This software is free and available for download.


Speeding Computer Using Speeder XP

Actually with 2Gb installed on my computer as a memory, i do not need to worry about my computer running too slow or decreasing it's speed. But i like to tweak my pc so much. So i decide to try some of software to boost my computer speed more.

That is when i stumble upon a software called speeder xp...

I really don't know how this software works but it makes my computer runs like in a speed of light. Once when i try to copy 4Gb file into one of my folder, the speed of the copying process increases for more like 10+ times. First i was shock. The process itself usually takes about 5 minutes before the software installed but now..it only takes me 1 minutes to wait.


HaiHai Unisoft A New Video Player Diablo

When i started knowing the internet a couple years ago, the first activities that i've been doing was downloading movie. Any movie. Everytime i saw a punch line on a movie theatre, i soon try my luck to find that movie on the internet.

The time i got the link, i soon activate my favorite internet download manager and get the free downloaded movie on my harddisk.

There are a lot of different kinds movie on the internet. But nowadays, people are more sophisticated. Back on the old days, we only know a few type of video file, such as :.mpg, .avi, .dat, or wmv. These files can played easily on windows media player. The default media player that comes along with your windows xp operation system.


Customizing Windows With WindowsBlind

Any computer freaks usually have a great desire on tweaking their computer. Those tweak include overcloaking the cpu system, upgrading their hardware, installing a new devices, or changing the look and feel of their operation system.

Lately i have tried to tweak my windows Xp using the windowsblind software. On a daily basis, i usually changes my themes 2 or 3 times. Several times, i also tried to built my own theme but since i am a newbie, so i guess the result never did pleases me.

The windowsblind on the other hand simplified my need on changing the windows look. Windowsblind had been a supreme software throughout this years. It can change the windows skin, icon, taskbar, font, or anything that you want just by one-click. The star dock affiliate, can make you feel a lot satisfied than manually installing your favorite themes.



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